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About Us

The Surrey Acquired Brain Injury Network was set up in December 2005 with the aim of providing an opportunity for people with an acquired brain injury, their carers, families, professionals and policy makers to improve services locally.

Open meetings are held at least quarterly. We aim to have a speaker or two sharing ideas on best practice or educating us on areas which frequently cause confusion, such as benefits entitlement, the work of the Court of Protection, housing issues etc.

We have a steering committee responsible for ongoing development of this website and providing access to clear information as to who does what within the local area. SABIN hopes to become an authoritative source of information to policy makers in local and national government. To do this we need to gather statistics on the incidence of acquired brain injury in Surrey and the services available here compared to elsewhere in the country.

Terms Of Reference

To provide regular, structured opportunities for service users and carers, the health service, social services, voluntary organisations, the private sector, legal, education, employment, housing and transport services to come together to raise awareness, influence, plan, develop and potentially commission services in the field of acquired brain injury.

To contribute to the development of life-long care pathways for people of all ages who have an acquired brain injury, based on accurate information.

To contribute to the advancement of services in all sectors: in the acute hospitals, in general practice, for rehabilitation and localised community services and the complementary health fields for people with an acquired brain injury

To foster greater public awareness and understanding of needs and services (current and proposed) of people with an acquired brain injury, their families and carers, through networking and the sharing of information.

To develop opportunities for people with an acquired brain injury, their families, carers and other interested parties to obtain accurate and useful information and training.

To support specialist knowledge among professionals working in this field, through the promotion of education, training and research.

With a general aim of becoming a Surrey wide Forum.

Join the SABIN network

If you are interested in joining SABIN, would like to share your experiences or expertise, learn what help is out there, attend the meetings or would simply like to be kept informed, then do sign up.

There is no charge and no obligation.

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SABIN Events

We aim to provide four meetings a year, with speakers, at various locations across Surrey. Take a look at our current and past Event & Meetings.

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